How Spray Type Deaerators Work
BFS Industries’ spray type deaerator, or technically a “spray-scrubber” deaerator, utilizes two distinct stages to accomplish the removal of the dissolved gasses from the feedwater: 1. The pre-heater stage 2. More
Why Do Steam Systems Need a Deaerator?
The removal of oxygen and other non-condensable gases in boiler feedwater is critical in high pressure steam boiler installations. Oxygen and carbon dioxide can be reduced by adding huge doses More
Guide to Sizing a Condensate Pump
Selecting and sizing a condensate pump can be tricky with a few key variables to consider. Our experts at BFS Industries are here to break down some of those variables More
2024 Highlights at BFS Industries
BFS Industries celebrates a successful year in 2024. We continued to offer industry leadership, provide our customers with high-performance boiler room equipment, and grow our business. As we reflect back, More
7 Steps for Decoding a Pump Curve
Reading a multistage pump curve can be a confusing proposition, but the experts at BFS Industries are here to take some of the confusion away. There are seven key things More